This blog is about land-assessment in Scotland. That sounds tedious but land-assessment is an important and neglected topic.
You are welcome to use this data to further your own research but please respect copyright and reference appropriately.
To allow readers to register feedback we have set up a dedicated email address, []. Since I work full-time please be patient for a response. Please make clear in any email correspondence whether you agree to your data being shared via this blog. All who contribute new material will be credited appropriately. My thanks in advance to anyone interested enough to contribute.
Initially there will be area-by-area summaries of the data in table form. These will be accompanied by maps and summary texts which give some of my conclusions. The sheer quantity of data can seem intimidating and there will be times when readers feel my comments go beyond the data offered. Please be patient. As time goes on I will add further pages which offer detailed discussions of the various systems at work within Scotland. I will also provide regional maps which illustrate patterns over a wider area.
On this page you will find links to the area summaries and a mini-presentation to give the rationale in graphical form. There is also a mini-tutorial on how to ‘do’ land-asssessment.