The isle of North Uist
North Uist Name Value Date Grid Ref Map Sources Other forms, comments etc Gearinacurran 2d (1718) GD221/4280/11, 1718 Rental, Beveridge(p63) thought in Baleshare rather than Sollas Kyles/Caolas 2d 1770 NF 8977 =Balliviccuish?, Lawson pp 138-40. Easson…
North Uist Principal Sources RMS II (2286) 1495, (2873) 1505 RMS VI (472) 1596 RMS VII (1087) 1614, (1795) 1618 RMS VIII (547) 1623 RMS XI (902) 1666 RSS II (4995) 1542 Inverness Retours (32) 1617,…
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