Parish of Rosneath
Rosneath Name Value Date Grid Ref Map Sources Other forms, comments etc Rosneath Meikleross Litil-Ross 5m 5m 1568 1568 NS 2681 NS 2680 Pont(16) Rosmoir(Inventory of Lamont Papers p 85 No 262) Portkill 5m 1568 NS…
Rosneath Principal Sources OSA Vol 4, No IX, pp 71-76, 1792, Rev. G Drummond RMS I (83) 1315-21, (505) 1372, (581) 1375-6 RMS II (263) 1440-1, (861) 1465-6, (1152) 1473, (1918) 1489-90, (2545) 1500, (3334) 1509, (3421)…
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