The isle of Kerrera
Kerrera Name Value Date Grid Ref Map Sources Other forms, comments etc Kerrarie 30m c. 1647 29m(1451, 1628, 1636, 1655); Keruerhey(1249), Caruvray(1451), Carvora(1628) Ardantrive 4m 1636 NM 8430 Blaeu(Lorn) Langlands(1801) 5m H MacDougall: Kerrera p28 Gylen 6m 1581 NM…
Kerrera Principal Sources RMS II (3136) 1507 referring to 1249 APS I p 10 APS VII p 339 c. 1647 AS I (278) 1644, (431-2, 468-9) 1660 AS II (237, 243) 1628, (449) 1633, (511) 1634, (569, 580) 1636, (614)…
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