District and parish within Argyll
Muckairn Principal Sources RMS V (1228) 1587 on original of 1584 RMS VI (1436, 1451) 1603 RSS VI (1722) 1572 Book of Islay pp 5-8 1203 CRA p 3 GD 112/2/93/1 1728 GD 202/18 pp 65-6 1648…
Muckairn Name Value Date Grid Ref Map Sources Other forms, comments etc Kirktown Kilespikerill 5m 10d 1751 1532 NN 005309 Pont(12) 10d(1617, 1622, 1631, 1634, 1728) Kyllesbuigkerrill(1672) Airds =Ardagaw? 5m 10d 1751 1532 NM 9832/9833 NM 9834 Pont(12) Langlands(1801)…
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