Paisley Properties This table compares Paisley properties in earlier and later sources. Lennox Cartulary Paisley Register (both from late 12th cent. on) RMS V (128) 1580-1 CCED (143) 2/5/1587* RMS V (1320) 29/7/1587 RMS V (2070) 1591-2 Dumbart.…
The parish of Old or West Kilpatrick
Paisley Properties This table compares Paisley properties in earlier and later sources. Lennox Cartulary Paisley Register (both from late 12th cent. on) RMS V (128) 1580-1 CCED (143) 2/5/1587* RMS V (1320) 29/7/1587 RMS V (2070) 1591-2 Dumbart.…
Old or West Kilpatrick RMP = Paisley Register; PR = Paisley Rental (NB some of the printed page numbers in the PR Appendix are incorrect); CL = Lennox Cartulary. Name Value Date Grid Ref Map Sources Other forms, comments etc…
Old or West Kilpatrick Sources J Irving, The Book of Dumbartonshire, Edinburgh, 1879, Vol II pp 365-383 E & W Kilpatrick were one parish until 1649. OSA Vol 5 No XV pp 229-240 1793 by Rev John…
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