Sources are listed in two places. Here I give those general sources, books and maps which apply across most or all of the area of study. Books and articles which deal with one specific topic such as land-assessment are grouped together. Where a source really only affects one district I have included it in the island or parish text summary. However I have been inclined only to give the principal references since there are often a great many later copies.
In order to save space lots of abbreviations are used in the tables and text summaries. I give these below:
ALI = Acts of the Lords of the Isles (see under Munro, J. & R.W.)
APS = Acts of Parliament of Scotland – now also online at
AS = Argyll Sasines (see under Campbell, H.)
AVR = Argyll Valuation Roll, 1751
BL = British Library
CPNS = Celtic Place-Names of Scotland (see under Watson)
CRA = Collectanea de Rebus Albanicis
CSSR = Calendar of Scottish Supplications to Rome
ER = Exchequer Rolls
GD + No = Gifts & Deposits, National Archives of Scotland
HP = Highland Papers (volumes published by Scottish History Society)
NAS = National Archives of Scotland
NLS = National Library of Scotland
NRAS = National Register of Archives Scotland (via NAS)
OS = Ordnance Survey
RCAHMS = Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
RHP = Register House Plan (National Archives of Scotland, West Register House)
RMS = Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scottorum (Register of the Great Seal)
RSS = Registrum Secreti Sigilli Regum Scottorum (Register of the Privy Seal)
SHS = Scottish History Society
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Retours – see under Thomson, T.
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