The Cumbraes Table


Name Value Date Grid Ref Map Sources Other forms, comments etc
Great Cumbrae   Blaeu Kumbra Moir(Blaeu)
Over Kames aliasBallikellet 5m 1536 NS 1756 BlaeuRoy (PC 20)RHP 23900 Balakeleid(Blaeu), Bellakelate(RHP 23900)
North Ballochmartin 2½m 1549 NS 1757 BlaeuRoy (PC 20)RHP 23900 Ballach Martin (Blaeu), =Litle B(Roy (PC 20)),Little Bullach Martine(RHP 23900)
South Ballochmartin 5m 1555-6 c. NS 1756 Roy (PC 20)RHP 23900 =Meikle B(Roy (PC 20)), Mickle Bullach Martine(RHP 23900)
Portrye 7½m 1536 NS 1758 BlaeuRoy (PC 20)RHP 23900 Portrey(Blaeu), Port-rye(RHP 23900)
Ballihewan 5m 1536 NS 1758 BlaeuRoy (PC 20)RHP 23900 Ballekewin(1536, 1622) & Balliekewin(1595)Balakewin(Blaeu), Bellaquain(RHP 23900)
‘Kirkland’ ¼m 1654 Retours(59, 86 & 92)
3 KirktonsPenmachrie


15m 1549 NS 1554/1555NS 158552

NS 1655

BlaeuRoy (PC 20)RHP 14107

RHP 23900


This large unit was composed of Upper Kirkton (NS 1555), Mid Kirkton (NS 1555), Nether Kirkton (NS 1554), Penmachrie and Breakough (NS 1655). (Penmachrie was 2m in 1673 & 1675). In Bute Retours (60) of 1658 it also contains ‘Mose of Monymoir’. This is likely to be Minnemoer and Wee Minnemoer (NS 1656).
Penmachrie 2m 1673 NS 158552 Blaeu,RHP 14107 Included in above farm. Grid Ref from RCAHMS Canmore.Finnmachy in RHP 14107.
Figgatoch 2½m 1536 NS 1657 BlaeuRoy (PC 20)RHP 14107

RHP 23900

Thegedach(Blaeu)2m only in 1578-9, see also below.Figatoch(RHP 23900)
South KamesN & S Kaims 7½m 1578 c. NS 167555 BlaeuRHP 23900 =Kames?(Roy (PC 20)),N & S Kaims in RHP 23900 of 1772.
Lon/Lone 25s 1622 Defined as ¼ of South Kames in 1622.
Bard Hill 25s 1621 Defined as ¼ of Nether Kames in 1621.
Ballikellet &Figgatoch 5m 1595 NS 1756NS 1657 There are references to 5m Ballikellet & Figgatoch in 1595, 1658 & 1666. These are not easy to square with our other valuations.
Total 50¼m
Little Cumbrae 5m 1532-3 NS 1451 Blaeu Kumbra Beg (Blaeu)


RMS VI (315) of 1595 says of the 2½m Figgatoch that ½m lay within the lands of Nether Kirkton between ‘Portkar’ and ‘Garburgh’. ‘Portkar’ is likely to be Portachur Point (NS 1553) and Garburgh lies under some of the present Millport. It is possible that the ‘burgh’ element in ‘Garburgh’ represents Norse ‘borg’ or fort.

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