Ulva & Gometra Table

Ulva & Gometra


Name Value Date Grid Ref Map Sources Other forms, comments etc
Ulva £10/15m 1509 Blaeu 15 denariat nuncupatis (ie called 15 pennylands) in RMS IV (801) of 1553. 16d(1674), 14½d(1751). 20m Ulva (HP I p 316 of 1679) probably includes 15m Ulva proper + 5m Laggan etc on Mull. For associated lands in Mull see under Learballeneill.
Soriby ¾d 1630 c. NM 4240 Langlands(1801) ¾d(1683, 1751)
Eolasary 1d 1630 NM 3840 Langlands(1801)? 1d(1683), 1m(1751)
Ardalum 1d 1630 NM 4340 1d(1683, 1751)
Cille Mhic Eoghainn 1d 1630 NM 3938 Langlands(1801) ½m(Lower), ½m(Upper) 1751
Cragaig 1d 1630 NM 4039 Langlands(1801) 1d(1683), 1m(1751)
Glacgallon 1d 1630 NM 3740/3840 Langlands(1801) 1d(1683, 1751)
Baligortan 1d 1630 NM 3841 Langlands(1801) 1¾d(1751)
Collecharran ¼d 1630 Callecharran(Argyll Retours 36, 1630), Kelliecharran(Argyll Retours 86, 1683), Collecharran(OPS II, I p 319).
Bearnus ½d 1630 NM 3941 Langlands(1801) ½d(1683)
Culinish 1d 1630 NM 4041 Langlands(1801) Cowll(1630), Cuillinish(1683). 1d(1683), 1m(1751)
Ferryninardry ¾d 1630 c. NM 4239 Langlands(1801) ¾d(1683, 1751).
Abos 1d 1630 c. NM 4041/4141 Langlands(1801) Abost(1751). 1d(1683, 1751).
Carnacallich 1½d 1630 1½d(1683), 1½d Ardnacallich(1751). Ardnacalich is E end of Ulva in Langlands(1801).
Noyak = Cove? 1d 1630 c. NM 4338 Langlands(1801) 1d(1683), 1d Cove(1751).
Ormaig 1½d 1630 NM 4138 Langlands(1801) 1d More(1630, 1683) & ½d Beg(1630, 1683), 1½d (both) in 1751.
Staffa ¼d 1630 NM 3235 ¼d(1683), ¼m(1751).
Total Ulva 14½d 1630 Since most of Mull and Gometra are converted at 1d:1¼m it seems reasonable to suppose the same for Ulva. 15d of 1553 would be 18¾m whereas only 15m are stated in 1509. If Ulva was 16d this would mean that Ulva + Gometra would be 20d or one ounceland.
Gometra 4d or




4d(1390), Godmadray(1390). 5m Gowmoutra with islands of Longa & Plada (Treshnish Isles) in ER XIII p 214 of 1509. 5m(1541). 5d Gometra with Oskamul (which was probably 1d) in 1674.
Ballichtrich 2d 1751 =Lower township
Ballicloigh 1d 1751
Ardskipnish 1d 1751
Total Gometra 4d 1741 4d=5m at 1d:1¼m.




In AVR (1751) all of McQuary of Ormaig’s properties are valued in merklands not pennylands which I think is a mistake – and certainly out of context.


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