Mamore and Glen Nevis
Principal Sources
RSS I (844) 1502
RMS II (2329) 1496, (2743) 1503
RMS III (1034) 1531, (2065) 1539-40
RMS IV (854) 1553
CRA p 139 1555
AS II (205 & 207) 1626, (563) 1633/6, (994) 1660
Inverness Retours (92) 1662, (99) 1669
OPS II, I, p 172 quoting Argyle Charters of 1522
Rental of the Lordship of Huntly 1600, in Miscellany of the Spalding Club, vol IV pp 292-3, Aberdeen, 1849
RHP 861 Map of Lordship of Lochaber
RHP 2494 1767
RHP 3423 1777?
RHP 35981 1767
E768/1, E768/2/1, 1748-9
E768/2/4 1755
E768/2/5/1 1755
E786/50 Book of Plans 1774
E768/56/1(1) 1770
E768/56/3(1) 1774
GD44/51/743/1 Rental of Lochaber 1642
GD44/51/743/2 Rental of Lochaber 1648
R Pringle, State of the Process of Valuation of … Lochiell, 1761, MS copy in West Highland Museum
W Morison, Report on … Annexed Estate of Lochiel, 1772, copy in Fort William Library
J Munro (ed), The Lochiel Inventory, Edinburgh, 2000, pp 18, 31, 60, 61, 63, 71, 96-7, 103, 107-8
ER XI p 460 c. 1501 says Mammor worth 40m.
RSS I (844) 1502 claims Mamore worth 50m – possibly including Glen Nevis?
RMS II (2743) 1503 claims Mammore worth 50m – possibly including Glen Nevis?
Robertson’s Index p 48 No 1, p 99 and p 100 No 1 refer to Moruar, Morimarie and Morimare respectively. In each case the context suggests Mamore, Lochaber.
Glen Nevis
RW Munro, ALI No 61 p 89 1456
RSS II (2079) 1536, (2549) 1538
RSS VI (1067) 1570-1
RMS III (1721) 1537
RMS IV (854) 1553
GD 44/51/743/1 Rental of Lochaber 1642
GD 44/51/743/2 Rental of Lochaber 1648
Inverness Retours (4) 1563, (92) 1662, (99) 1669
OPS II, I p 173
Rental of the Lordship of Huntly 1600, in Miscellany of the Spalding Club, vol IV p 294, Aberdeen, 1849
C Fraser-Mackintosh, Excerpta e Sasinarum Registris Vice-Comitatum de Inverness, Vol V No 388 (1849)
Macfarlane’s Geographical Collections II pp 158, 169-70, 518, 523
RW Munro, ALI No 61 p 89 1456 refers to “davatam terrarum … de Glennyves” and office of “tocheachdeora” (toiseachdeor) of Lochaber.
Although we have no individual valuations within Glen Nevis the lands themselves are named in RMS IV (854) of 1553, Inverness Retours (92) of 1662 and (99) of 1669.
Inverness Retours (4) of 1563 gives the Old Extent of the 20 pennylands of Glen Nevis as 20s 8d and the New Extent as 10m. The 20s 8d is likely to be a mistake for 26s 8d or 2 merks which gives a ratio of 1:5 between Old and New Extent. This seems to be at odds with most other sixteenth-century documents which refer to Glen Nevis:
RMS III (1721) of 1537 refers to the 20d of Glenneves extending to 10m pa.
RSS II (2549) of 1538 refers to the 10m land of Glennevis
RSS VI (1067) of 1570-1 refers to the 10m land of Glennewes.
Miscellany of the Spalding Club, vol IV p 294, refers to 10m land paying 10m per annum in 1600.
In both GD 44/51/743/1 & 2 (Lochaber Rentals of 1642 & 1648) Glen Nevis is given as 10 merkland.
In the light of the above I am inclined to discount the evidence from the Retours.
There is a noticeable absence of Norse settlement terms in Mamore and Glen Nevis.

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