Lennox General Resources

Lennox: General Resources


There are a number of general resources for the Lennox area which I have listed here rather than repeat them many times under individual parishes.



Nimmo, Stirlingshire, 1777 (particularly the map based on Edgar’s Survey of 1745)


The Accounts of the Great Chamberlains of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1817


Liber S. Marie de Calchou, (hereafter Book of Kelso), Edinburgh, 1846


Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis, I, Edinburgh, 1843


Fraser, W., The Stirlings of Keir, Edinburgh, 1858 (Unfortunately the charters given in this volume have a number of minor anomalies which I have silently corrected on the grounds that they are probably just errors which were not picked up during proof-reading – for instance ‘u’ for ‘n’, ‘e’ for ‘c’).


Fraser, W., The Chiefs of Colquhoun and their Country, Vols I & II, Edinburgh, 1869


Fraser, W., The Book of Carlaverock, II, Edinburgh, 1873


Fraser, W., The Lennox, II, Edinburgh, 1874


Fraser, W., The Red Book of Menteith, II, Edinburgh, 1880


Irving, J., The History of Dumbartonshire, 1857


Irving, J., The Book of Dumbartonshire, Vols I-III, Edinburgh, 1879


Shennan, H., Boundaries of Counties and Parishes in Scotland, Edinburgh, 1892


Calendar of the Laing Charters, J Anderson (ed.), Edinburgh, 1899


Argyll Sasines Vol I, H Campbell, Edinburgh, 1933


Argyll Sasines Vol II, H Campbell, Edinburgh, 1934


Timperley, L.R., A Directory of landownership in Scotland c. 1770, Edinburgh, 1976


Lord Cooper, Select Scottish Cases of the Thirteenth Century, Edinburgh, 1944


Cowan, I.B., Mackay, P.H.R. & Macquarrie, A. The Knights of St John of Jerusalem in Scotland, Scottish History Society, Edinburgh, 1983.


Neville, C.J., Native Lordship in Medieval Scotland, Dublin, 2005


Taylor, S., The Early History and Languages of West Dunbartonshire in Brown, I., (ed.) Changing Identities Ancient Roots, Edinburgh, 2006


Márkus, G., Saints and Boundaries: the pass of St Mocha and St Kessog’s Bell in Journal of Scottish Name Studies 2 (2008)


McNiven, P., Spittal place-names in Menteith and Strathndrick: evidence of crusading endowments? in The Innes Review, Vol 64, No 1, Spring 2013, pp 23-38


Drummond, P.J., An analysis of toponyms and toponymic patterns in eight parishes of the upper Kelvin basin, PhD thesis, Glasgow University, 2014




The National Library of Scotland website offers a wonderful collection of early maps of Scotland in digital format. For the Lennox this includes maps by




Roy (Fair Copy). The Protracted Copy is available at the British Library.

Ross – Dunbartonshire, 1777

Grassom – Map of (County of) Stirling 1817


Ordnance Survey (particularly the 6″:1 mile 1st Series)


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