Alness – Summary Text



Principal Sources


OSA Vol 19 No 5


RMS II (1227) 1475-6, (1978) 1490

RMS III (382) 1526, (486) 1527

RMS V (148) 1580-1 (on original of 1566), (586) 1583 on original of 1566, (715) 1584 (on original of 1567), (1331) 1587

RMS VI (2111) 1608 on original of 1607


RSS II (2997) 1539

RSS VII (486) 1575-6

RSS VIII (2506) 1584


GD1/400/2/3 Section J p 4, 1678

GD1/498/4 1589

GD80/183 1686, GD80/285 1696

GD93/11 1379-82, GD93/100 1582, GD93/119 1588, GD93/120 1589, GD93/123 1590, GD93/147 1608, GD93/165 1617, GD93/296 1700, GD93/297 1701, GD93/375 1756, GD93/378 1759

GD103/1/127 1630 on original of 1623

GD176/576 1678, GD176/616 1686

GD274/93 1372 x 1382

GD297/180 1439/40, GD297/217 No 60 1609

GD305/1/29/1 1587, GD305/1/30/3 1595, GD305/1/32/4 1673, GD 305/1/51/6 1708, GD305/1/57/1 1785, GD305/1/63/2 1849

RH8/703 1709, RH8/1044 1702, RH8/1048 1704


CWMF (11) 1379, (68) 1556, (100) 1582, (109) 1586, (119) 1588, (335) 1732


Retours (Ross) (29) 1608, (62) 1622, (81) 1635, (90) 1642, (101) 1651, (105-6) 1653, (151) 1691


RS36/2/359r 1608, RS36/2/369v 1608

RS37/1/141v 1619

RS37/4/287v 1631

RS37/5/33v 1632

RS37/6/161v 1638

RS37/7/2v 1648, RS37/7/254v 1656

RS38/1/43v 1662

RS38/4/333v 1675

RS38/5/344v 1686


SC29/1/1 f40r & f40v 1558

SC39/112/9/11 1755


RHP 2923 1909, RHP 4188 1882


Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, London, 1877


PSAS Vol 41 1906-7 No 127 1630 on original of 1623, or GD103/1/127.



Defining early parish-boundaries is always something of a problem but we are fortunate in that CWMF (109) gives us a list of farms from which teind-sheaves were drawn in 1586. They are as below (extents, where known, in brackets):


Kildermorie                                         (?)

2 Kanlochis                                         (¼ davach)

Little & Meikle Boith                         (¾ davach)

Achcharne                                           (Part of Culcraggie?)

Lealdy                                                 (½ davach – part of Moultavie?)

Culcragy                                              (1 davach)

Alnes                                                   (¼ davach)

Assint                                                  (1 davach)

Inchculter                                            (Possibly part of Assint?)

Achnagald                                           (½ davach)

Balnacowle                                         (¼ davach)

Canlochglas                                         (¼ davach)

Refarquhar                                          (⅛ davach)

Candvochtrach.                                   (? ¼ davach)


Unfortunately this is not a complete list of the farms in Alness parish but it does help us pin down its components and extent.


RMS V (715) 1584 (on an original of 1567) refers to a parish called Kittermare which the editor thought might be Killernane. The name seems closer to Kildermorie which may have been a distinct parish in the earlier medieval period. SC39/112/9/11 is an account of Alness, made in 1755, by James Fraser, Minister, who writes: “There was, before the Reformation, a parish church in Kildermory … the walls of which are still standing; and the In(ha)bitants mark out a field, which, they say, was the Glebe”. Kildermorie may have been a very small parish and since I do not know its boundaries I have included it within Alness.


The table shows 9⅜ + davachs and since I have no valuations for Cille Mhuire and Candvochtrach the true total must have been about 10 davachs.


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