Edderton – Table


HMC = Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts

Name Value Date Grid Ref Map Sources Other forms, comments etc
Edderton ½ davach c. 1561 NH 7184/7185 Blaeu(Moray & Sutherland)

Gordon (10)

RHP 13299/16

Bks of Assumption p 652. RMS IX (202) 1634 – ex bishopric.

Macgill No 677 1576. GD297/217 No 60 1609.

¼ davach in RS37/1/141v 1619.

Westray & Miltoun

(Milntoun of Westray)

½ davach c. 1561     Bks of Assumption p 652. See below.

Mylntoun de Westray in RMS IV (446) 1550.




1 davach

½ davach

¼ davach





NH 6884

NH 6783


RHP 13299/25


Earlier known as Dachyn. See below.

¾ davach in Bks of Assumption p 652.

GD297/190 1350×1364. ¼ davach in SC29/1/1 f40r & f40v 1558.

¼ davach in Bks of Assumption p 652.

Balleigh ½ davach


1558 NH 7084 Blaeu(Moray & Sutherland)

Gordon (10)

RHP 13299/18

=Leichstoun or doctor’s town. Ballinleich & Mekill Doles in RMS IV (446) 1550. SC29/1/1 f40r & f40v 1558. RS38/3/43v 1666. RS37/7/116v 1651. With Meikle Dallas as ¾ davach in 1561. GD71/43 of 1628 refers to 1 oxgang in Lichistowne.
Meikle Dallas


Little Dallas

Little Dallas



1 davach


¾ davach

½ davach


1 davach



c. 1561




NH 6984/7084

NH 6985

Blaeu(Moray & Sutherland)

Gordon (10)

RHP 13299/17

RHP 13299/21

RS37/7/116v 1651. RS38/3/43v 1666. ¾ davach in SC29/1/1 f40r & f40v 1558

¾ davach in Bks of Assumption p 652.

½ davach in SC29/1/1 f40r & f40v 1558, RS37/3/332r 1627 & RS38/3/43v 1666.

Dollas a davach in RSS VII (486) 1575-6.

(Allt) Muigh Bhlaraidh 2½ davachs 1657 NH 6582/6682 RHP 13299/36 Probably Monblary in GD297/175 1350. Moyzeblary in RMS II (147) 1429-30. Moyblare in HMC p 716 No 1, 1456. See below.
Wester Fearn

Easter Fearn

1 davach

1 davach

c. 1561

c. 1561

NH 6287

NH 6486


Gordon (10)

RHP 13299/41-42

See below.


1 davach c. 1561 NH 6986 Blaeu(Sutherland)

Gordon (10)

RHP 13299/27

Dunivastra (=Dounie-Westray) in Blaeu(Sutherland).

See below and also under Fearn.

Ardmore     NH 7086 Blaeu(Sutherland)

Gordon (10)

RHP 13299/31

Ardmoir appears in Retours (Ross) (89) 1642 and, as Airdmoir, in Retours (Ross) (111) 1657 – clearly in Edderton. See below.


Upper Garvary

  1591 NH 5783

NH 5986

NH 5985

  All on Wester Fearn burn. RMS V (1971) 1591 states that Garvarie was ex-bishopric land and gave an annual return of 6s 8d. See below.
Total 9 davachs       Some uncertainty about values of Dallas & Muigh Bhlaraidh.



Westray & Miltoun

Although the Books of Assumption give Westray & Myltoun I think it was properly Milntoun of Westray at half a davach. See also RS37/6/399r 1642. Milntoun was formerly Balemulin (GD297/217 No 24 1544) or Ballemulen (GD297/217 No 23 1560).



Since the total valuation was 1 davach in 1561 it seems fair to assume that this applied in 1350 as well, with Meikle & Little a ½ davach each. Dachynmore was certainly a ½ davach in CWMF (4) 1350 & (8) 1370-1, RS36/2/258v 1607. RS36/2/259v 1607 gives lower ¼ of Mekill Daan called Claiscuilk. Daane in RMS II (147) 1429-30. I do not know if the first element of the place-name is for davach.


(Allt) Muigh Bhlaraidh

Moyblairie was 2½ davachs in Retours (Ross) (111) 1657 although I am a little dubious about this high valuation. It may have included others. It was only 1½ davachs in GD297/217 No 53 (Retour) 1658. SC29/1/1 f40r & f40v 1558 gives Mowblayr as 1 ‘oxegang’ (⅛ davach).



Our earliest evidence for davachs in Fearn and Dounie is GD297/189 1529 which is a papal bull concerning Fearn Abbey’s endowments. The bull refers to 1 davach of Greater Fern, ½ davach of Lesser Fern and 1½ davachs in Dwne (Dounie), making a total of 3 davachs. For the table I have preferred the slightly later evidence from the Books of Assumption which gives a davach for each of Easter & Wester Fearn plus a davach for Dounie (also making a total of 3 davachs). Easter & Wester Fearn are mentioned in ALI No 90 1467 – but without valuations. See also RS36/2/142r 1607 and RS37/6/378v 1641.


Mid Fairne (which may have been a late subdivision) was a ½ davach in RS37/6/159v 1638 – where bounds are given. MidFearne was ½ a davach in Retours (Ross) (187) 1664. See also Macgill p 162, No 414, 1678; p 272 No 692 1620; pp 359-60 No 908 1645; pp 302-03 No 770 1694. Blaeu (Sutherland) and Gordon (10) give Icra (Lower), Meanach (Mid) and Ocra (Upper) running E to W. RS37/6/326r 1640 mentions a bovate called Badfairne. GD71/69/3 1657 specifies an oxgang of Eister Ferne.



Sometimes Downie Westray where Westray was the ancient district name. 1 davach in RS37/1/124r 1619, RS37/3/332r 1627 & RS38/3/43v 1666. RS37/5/71v 1633 refers to a ¼ of Downie Westray called Knoknagrasak. See also Ross (TMC 14 p 323).



There is also an Ardmore with mill in GD305/1/86/97 1617,  RMS VII (1995) 1619 and Retours (Ross) (108) 1655 (worth 3m OE  in the last). Although the context is often with Fodderty properties I assume this is the same as the Ardmore in Edderton.


Garbhairidh/ Garvary

Retours (Ross) (150) 1691 refers to the lands and grazings of Garvarie & Badnafinack within the bishopric of Ross. PNRC p 11 lists Garvary under Kincardine.



Torrenlea (Kilmuir Easter, PNRC p 66) and the common pasture of Auldnamayne (Aultnamain NH 6681, PNRC p 28) feature in Retours (Ross) (181-2) 1623.


Brochs at Dun Alascaig and Leachonich.


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