Evidence for a cash economy – Scotland in the 12th century

Evidence for a cash economy – Scotland in the 12th century.


Sources (full details in Bibliography)

Chart. = Charters of David I, ed. Barrow, G.W.S, 1999

ESC = Early Scottish Charters prior to 1153, ed. Lawrie, A.C., 1905

Annals(F) = Fordun, ed. W.F. Skene

Annals(L) = Annals of the Reigns of Malcolm and William, ed. Lawrie, A.C., 1910

RRS = Regesta Regum Scottorum, Volumes I (ed. Barrow) 1960, & II (ed. Barrow) 1971

RMS = Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scottorum (Register of the Great Seal)

RS = Rotuli Scotiae I & II, 1814

Kelso =  Liber S. Marie de Calchou, 1846

Dunf. = Registrum de Dunfermelyn, 1842

Holyrood = Liber Cartarum Sancte Crucis, 1840

Glasgow = Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis, 1843

CDS = Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland, ed. Bain, J.,

Melrose = Liber Sancte Marie de Melros, 1837

Mel.(Ch) = Chronica de Mailros, 1835

Paisley = Registrum Monasterii de Passelet, 1832

Moray = Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, 1837

Newbattle = Liber S. Marie de Neubotle, 1849

Dryburgh = Liber S. Marie de Dryburgh, 1847

Scone = Liber Ecclesie de Scon, 1843

St Andrews = Liber Cartarum Prioratus Sancti Andree in Scotia, 1842

Cambus. = Registrum Monasterii S. Marie de Cambuskenneth, 1872

Inch. = Charters of the Abbey of Inchcolm, 1938

May = Records of the Priory of the Isle of May, 1868

Yester = Calendar of Writs preserved at Yester House, 1930

ES = Early Sources, ed. Anderson

GD = Gifts & Deposits in National Records of Scotland – see online catalogue


pa/annuatim = per annum/yearly; ar = annual rent; censu, firma = rent; decimam = teind (⅒) or tithe; chan/cano = cain (ancient tax of foodstuffs); unam marcam argenti = a merk of silver; 1 merk = 13s 4d, 3 merks = 40s etc; d = penny


Some of the following are repeats of, and/or updates to, earlier grants.


Location Amount Source (1) Date Source (2) Source Text Comment
ex King Malcolm III 12m gold Mel.(Ch) p 60 1091 ES II p 48 12 marks of gold Tribute from King Malcolm
David I (1124-1153)            
Berwick (burgh) 40s pa Chart. (14) 1114 x 1124 ESC (35) quadraginta solidos de censu  
Roxburgh (burgh 40s Chart. (14) 1114 x 1124 ESC (35) quadraginta solidos de censu  
Stirling ⅒ rents Chart. (49) 1128 x 1153 ESC (86) decimam denariorum de censu meo first mention of cash rents
Swinton, Berwickshire 40s Chart. (53) 1136 x 1137 ESC (100) xl solidos reddente monachis to monks of Durham
Partick, Lanark 1m pa Chart. (56) 1136 x 1141 ESC (109) annuatim unam marcam argenti  
Cumbria (⅛ of pleas) eighth d Chart. (58) 1131 x 1141 ESC (126) octavum denarium to Glasgow Cathedral
Ednam, Roxburgh 20s Chart. (118) 1136 x 1153 ESC (198) xx solidos in carucata rent
Ednam, Roxburgh ½m Chart. (118) 1136 x 1153 ESC (198) ½m in dimidia carucata rent
Pettinain, Lanark 40s Chart. (119) 1136 x 1153 ESC (205) forisfactum xl solidorum forfeit/penalty charge
Perth 1m pa Chart. (126) 1144 ESC (163) unam marcam de firma mea for lighting
Ships to Perth 40s pa Chart. (126) 1144 ESC (163) xl solidos de meo chan de navibus cain from ships for clothing
Ships to Perth 40s pa Chart. (127) 1144 x 1153 ESC (250) xl solidos … de cano navium As (126) – for clothing
Fife & Fothrif ⅒ gold Chart. (140) 1124 x 1147 ESC (78) omnem decimam de auro teind of gold
Edinburgh (burgh) 40s pa Chart. (147) 1141 x 1147 ESC (153) 40s de meo burgo  
Cain of Perth ships 100s pa Chart. (147) 1141 x 1147 ESC (153) 100s de cano meo de Pert 3 burghs could share 100s
Own chamber/treasury £10 pa Chart. (147) 1141 x 1147 ESC (153) decem libras ad luminaria £10 for lighting/maintenance
Edrom, Berwickshire 30s pa Chart. (158) 1147 ESC (178) triginta solidos … pro conredio King’s ‘waiting’, cash
Stirling 40s Chart. (159) 1147 ESC (179) quadraginta … solidos de redditu  
Ednam, Roxburgh 2s pa Chart. (161) 1147 x 1153 ESC (111) ii solidos  
Stirling (⅒ of pence) ⅒ of d Chart. (172) 1150 x 1152 ESC (209) decimam … in denariis to Dunfermline Abbey
Dunfermline (⅒ of d) ⅒ of d Chart. (172) 1150 x 1152 ESC (209) (teind) denariorum firme burgi to Dunfermline Abbey
Ships to Stirling or Perth 5m pa Chart. (172) 1150 x 1152 ESC (209) v marcas argenti clothing to Dunf. Abbey
Roxburgh (burgh) 40s pa Chart. (183) 1147 x 1152 ESC (194) xl solidos de censu to Kelso Abbey
Berwick (burgh) 40s pa Chart. (183) 1147 x 1152 ESC (194) xl solidos de censu to Kelso Abbey
Elgin (burgh) 20s pa Chart. (185) 1145 x 1153 ESC (255) in firma burgi de Elgin xx solidos to Urquhart Priory, Moray
E. Lothian 10m pa Chart. (194) 1139 x 1153 ESC (186) de camera mea decem marcas from chamber/treasury
Elgin (burgh) 20s pa Chart. (195) 1130 x 1153 ESC (110) xx solidos … illos denarios cash for clothing
Perth 20s Chart. (225)          x 1153 Scone (5) from ferme of Perth lost act from RRS I (243)
Mills of Perth 10s Chart. (225)          x 1153 Scone (5) from ferme of mills of Perth NOT in RRS I (243)
Rent (men of Tweedale) 2s pa Chart. (244) 1141 x 1150     or a two-year-old ox
Berwick (burgh) 8m pa Chart. (245)   RS I p 764a   Burgh ferme
Montrose (burgh 20s pa Chart. (250) 1141 x 1150 RRS I (195)   for lighting
Peebles (burgh) 10s Chart. (258) 1152 x 1153 Kelso (13)    
Lauderdale 4m GD160/269.4 c. 1150     4m for a quitclaim
ex Killin 6m GD160/269.3       due to monks of Dunfermline
Malcolm IV (1153-1165)            
Callendar, Stirling 4s RRS I (109) 1153 x 1165 Newbattle (163)   2s, at each of 2 terms
Teinds to Dunfermline ⅒ of d RRS I (118) 1154 x 1159 Dunf. (35) decimam meorum … in denariis teind of cash
Dunfermline burgh ⅒ of d RRS I (118) 1154 x 1159 Dunf. (35) ⅒ denariorum firme burgi teind of burgh rent (cash)
Stirling or Perth ships 5m pa RRS I (118) 1154 x 1159 Dunf. (35) v marcas argenti … de … navibus for clothing
Ednam, Roxburgh 2m pa RRS I (129) 1153 x 1159 Dryburgh (159) duas marcas singulis annis  
Roxburgh (burgh) 40s pa RRS I (131) 1159 x 1160 Kelso pp III-VII xl solidos de censu to Kelso Abbey
Berwick (burgh) 40s pa RRS I (131) 1159 x 1160 Kelso pp III-VII xl solidos de censu to Kelso Abbey
From ships to Perth 5m pa RRS I (158) 1157 x 1160   quinque marcas cain of ships coming
Rents from Perth 1m RRS I (174) 1160 x 1161 St Andrews 205-7 unam marcam de firma mea de Pert for lighting
From ships to Perth 3m pa RRS I (174) 1160 x 1161 St Andrews 205-7 de meo chan de navibus de Pert for clothing
Angus (teind) RRS I (195) 1161 x 1162 (cf RRS I (245) conventionibus in auro et argento offerings in gold and silver
Kyneber 10s RRS I (195) 1161 x 1162   x solidos de Kyneber  
Salorch 20s RRS I (195) 1161 x 1162   xx solidos ad lumen for lighting
Cain of ships at Perth 3m pa RRS I (223) 1162 x 1164 Kelso (400) tres marcas argenti … de cano update of David I’s gift
Crail, Fife ½m pa RRS I (231) 1161 x 1164 Holyrood (20) dimidie marce de firma … ville confirms mother’s gift
Stirling 40s RRS I (241) 1163 x 1164 Cambus. (50) quadraginta … solidos de redditu confirms David’s gift
Perth 20s RRS I (243) 1163 x 1164 Scone (5) viginti solidos de firma de Perth gift of David for lighting
Mills of Perth 10s Scone (5) 1163 x 1164   not in RRS I (243) gift of David for lighting
Gowrie, Perthshire (teind) RRS I (245) 1161 x 1164 Scone (7) convencionibus in auro et argento offerings in gold and silver
Perth 20s pa RRS I (250) 1162 x 1164 Scone (13) viginti solidos de firma mea for lighting
Ex two mills, Perth 10s pa RRS I (250) 1162 x 1164 Scone (13) decem solidos de firma for lighting
Mill, Innerwick 5m RRS I (254) 1163 x 1165 Paisley p 249 quinque marcis argenti  
Cain of Perth 50s pa RRS I (260) 1165 Cambus. (194) qinquaginta solidos de cano meo updated gift
Kinghorn 12s pa RRS I (269) ? x 1179 Inch. (2)    
Edinburgh (burgh) 100s pa RRS I (293) c. 1165 Dunf. (52) ex firma burgi Edinburgh see fn 2 RRS I (293)
William I (1165-1214)            
Perth 5m pa RRS II (8) 1166 x 1171   de cano meo de navibus ex King Malcolm’s charter
Perth 3m pa RRS II (28) 1165 x 1169   de meo can de navibus for clothing
Perth 1m RRS II (28) 1165 x 1169   de firma de Perth to lighting church
Pitmilly, Fife 1m pa RRS II (29) 1165 x 1172   una marcha argenti to build & light church
To Dunfermline Abbey ⅒ of d RRS II (30) 1165 x 1168   decimam … in denariis Tithe of pence/cash
To Dunfermline Abbey ⅒ of gold RRS II (30) 1165 x 1168   decimam de auro (teind of gold) from Fife & Fotherif
Edinburgh (burgh) 100s RRS II (30) 1165 x 1168   centum solidorum de firma burgi Town rent from Edinburgh
Edinburgh (burgh) 100s pa RRS II (34) 1165 x 1172   C. solidorum … de firma burgi mei As RRS II (30) until alternative
Edinburgh (burgh) 40s RRS II (39) 1165 x 1170   quadraginta solidos de burgo meo To Holyrood Abbey
Stirling 40s RRS II (60) 1166 x 1171   de redditu meo de Striueling + cain of 1 ship
Perth 60s pa RRS II (60) 1166 x 1171   de cano meo de Perth  
Crailing Mill, Roxburgh 1m RRS II (62) 1165 x 1170   unam marcam argenti in molendino  
Roxburgh (burgh) 40s pa RRS II (63) 1165 x 1166   quadraginta solidos de censu to Kelso Abbey
Berwick (burgh) 40s pa RRS II (63) 1165 x 1166   xl solidos de censu to Kelso Abbey
Ednam, Roxburgh 2m pa RRS II (65) 1165 x 1171   duas marcas ex dono King Malcolm
Yester, East Lothian 21s 4d ar RRS II (85) 1166 x 1170 Yester (2 & 3) 21 solidis 4 denariis Knight’s fee of 8 merks? See fn.
Inverkeithing, Fife ½m pa RRS II (102) 1165 x 1172   dimidiam marcam argenti  
Legerwood, Berwickshire 5s pa RRS II (103) 1165 x 1170   quinque solidorum per annum  
Perth 20s RRS II (118) 1165 x 1174 RRS I (250) viginti solidos de firma mea for lighting of Scone
Mills of Perth 10s RRS II (118) 1165 x 1174 RRS I (250) decem solidos from rent of 2 mills
Berwick 40s pa RRS II (123) 1165 x 1174   xl solidos … de firma mea  
Crail, Fife 1m pa RRS II (126) 1171 x 1174 RRS II (160) unam marcam argenti … de firma ex Ada, for lighting
Whitslaid, Selkirkshire 20s pa RRS II (145) 1173 x 1174   xx solidis  
½ Hadgillan, Dundeeshire 10s pa RRS II (149) 1173 x 1178 St Andrews 224-5 decem solidos annuatim  
Abernethy, Perthshire £20 pa RRS II (152) 1173 x 1178   xx libras argenti at 2 terms
Fettykil, Leslie, Fife 23s 4d pa RRS II (166) 1173 x 1178 Dunf. (62) 23s 4d teind (⅒) of malt & oats
Fettykil, Leslie, Fife 17½m pa RRS II (166) 1173 x 1178 Dunf. (62) see RRS II (166) Comment p 231 ergo total revenue = 17½m pa
Coldingham, Berwickshire 2s RRS II (178) 1173 x 1178   duobus solidis legal fees
Barons(Northumberland) 300m Annals(L) (29) 1174   trescentas marcas argenti payment for truce, English coin?
Bishopric of Glasgow eighth d Annals(L) (30) 1164 x 1174 Glasgow I (24) octavum denarium in auro et argento Pope Alexander III’s Bull
Roxburgh (burgh) 40s pa RRS II (188) 1175 x 1178 Kelso (383) xl solidos de censu burgi to Kelso Abbey
Holyrood properties 9m RRS II (199) 1178 x 1186 Holyrood (29) ix marcarum 5 items, cumulatively = 9m
Fife 4d RRS II (207) 1178 x 1188 May (14) quatuor denarios  
Gala & Leader 100m RRS II (236) 1180 Melrose (111) centum marcas argenti 100 m silver, for quitclaim
Rutherglen 40s pa RRS II (261) 1182 x 1190 Glasgow I (31) xl solidos de firma burgi to lighting Glasgow cathedral
Scotland 10,000m RRS II (287) 1189 Mel.(Ch) p 98 x millia marcas auri et argenti 10,000 merks of gold and silver
Berwick (burgh) 40s pa RRS II (289) 1173 x 1214 Kelso (30) xl solidos de firma burgi mei at 2 terms
Roxburgh (burgh) 20s pa RRS II (290) 1173 x 1214 Dryburgh (142) vigenti sollidos … de firma burgi mei for lighting
Earl of Buchan 1m pa RRS II (300) 1193 x 1195   una marca argenti annuatim  
Haddington 3m pa RRS II (304/5) 1189 x 1194 Dunf. (51, 65) tres marcas de firma burgi mei for lighting – 20s x 2 terms
Roxburgh (burgh) (3m pa) RRS II (317) 1189 x 1195   (3m) de firma burgi mei David I’s grant updated
Crail, Fife 40s pa RRS II (329) 1189 x 1194 St Andrews (228) xl solidos at 2 terms
Kinninmonth, Fife 2m pa RRS II (330) 1189 x 1194   duas marcas  
Strachan, Mearns 9m pa RRS II (340) 1189 x 1195 Newbattle (Appx) annuatim novem marcas at 2 terms
Elgin (burgh) £10 pa RRS II (360) 1189 x 1195 Moray (11) decem libras de firma burgi mei ‘estimation of honest men’
Hassendean, Roxburgh 20s pa RRS II (365) 1193 x 1195   pensione viginti solidorum souming arrangements
Peebles (burgh) 10s RRS II (367) 1189 x 1195   (10s) de firma burgi de Pebles King David’s gift
Toft, Haddington 4d pa RRS II (367) 1189 x 1195   quatuor denarios  
Scotland 2000m Mel.(Ch) p100 1193   duo milia marcas argenti to ransom of King Richard
Kinninmonth, Fife 2m pa RRS II (411) 1196 x 1201   duas marcas  
Land in Angus 1m pa RRS II (414) 1196 x 1207   una marca argenti  
ex Earl of Orkney 1m pa Scone (58) 1197 x 1198   ad pondus marce Scotie libratam i.e. 1m Scottish weight
Fishery, Meikleour, Perth ½m RRS II (419) c. 1199   dimidia marca argenti  
Lessuden, Roxburgh 20s pa RRS II (422) 1199   viginti solidos for 1 ploughgate
Rutherglen, Lanark 3m + 3m RRS II (426) 1201 x 1202   trium marcarum …alias tres marcas from burgi mei
ex Earl of Orkney 2000 lib Annals(F) c.24 c. 1202   2000 pounds of silver to king (Fordun’s Annals)
Payments to King John 15,000m RRS II (488) 1209   quindecim milia marcarum 4 tranches of 3750m
Crail (burgh), Fife 1m pa RRS II (490) 1209 x 1210   unam marcam argenti cf RRS II (568)
Bangour, W. Lothian 4m 8s RRS II (496) 1208 x 1211   quatuor marcas … octo solidos  
Ex Earl of Buchan 1m pa RRS II (513) 1213   una marca argenti  
Fishery of Urr ½m RRS II (513) 1213   unam dimidiam marcam in piscaria ex donacione Malis
Merks until merklands 20m pa RRS II (514) 1213   viginti marcas … viginti marcatas terre S of Forth or Forth to Mounth
Athestaneford mill ½m pa RRS II (517) 1212 x 1214   dimidie marce annuatim  
Haddington £3 RRS II (537) <= 1214 RMS II (611)    
Debt to Aaron of Lincoln £2776 RRS II (552) <= 1214 CDS I (433)    
Ship’s cargo £29 RRS II (585) 1199 x 1216 CDS I (599)    
Kinghorn, Fife 12s pa RRS II (541B) < = 1214 Inch. (2)   see RRS II p 481
Inverlunan, Angus 8m + 10s RRS II (590) 1189 x 1195   octo mercas argenti … 10 solidos cf RRS II (355)


Much of the above must have been delivered in cash, not bullion. The only coins struck during the reigns of David, Malcolm and William were pennies. Each merk was 160 pence so a rent of 3m would be 480 penny coins.

To make payments of 10,000m c. 1189 or 15,000m in 1209, even if some of it was in bullion, suggests the economy was already well monetised.

This list gives a very imbalanced portrait of income generation. There is very little income from the far north of Scotland, or the west.


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