Jura etc

Jura, Scarba, Lunga and Garvellachs


Name Value Date Grid Ref Map Sources Other forms, comments etc
Kinuachdrachd 1¼m(1/8 land) 1630 NR 7098 Blaeu(Jura)RHP 283/2Langlands(1801) Troeg(1496), Troaghe(1510), Troack(Blaeu), Camvethtrach(1630), Cambachrie(1667), Kenwachtrich(1674), Kenochtrach(1751)
Gleann nam Muc   NR 6899 RHP 283/2 Glennamuk(1496), Glenamuch(1672)Part of Kinuachdrachd farm in 1794. See below.
Uamh nan Giall   NR 6698 Blaeu(Jura) Owenegeill(1496), Huanagelle(1510), Owanagel(1539-40), Ouanagiala(Blaeu), ?=Craigaungall(1672), Anageal(1794).Part of Kinuachdrachd farm in 1794.
Cnoc an t-Sabhail(now Barnhill) 1¼m(1/8 land) 1630 NR 7097 Blaeu(Jura)Langlands(1801) With Ardlussa as 2½m from 1493-4 until 1751. Knokinsawyll(1493-4). 2m(1737) in Youngson p 139
Ardlussa 1¼m(1/8 land) 1632 NR 6487 Blaeu(Jura) With Cnoc an t-Sabhail as 2½m from 1493-4 until 1751. Ardlisay(1493-4). 2m(1737) in Youngson p 139
Tarbert 1¼m(1/8 land) 1589 NR 6082/6182 Blaeu(Jura) With Keames(Camus) as 2½m in 1666 & 1667.
Corrynaherry &Achnatarbert ⅝m(1/16 land) 1751 NR 5979 Langlands(1801) Langlands gives Tarbert, Auchin & Corranaheran running N to S.
Camus(Rubh a’ Chamais) 1¼m(1/8 land) 1614 NR 5978 Blaeu(Jura) Only ⅝m in 1751. With Tarbert as 2½m in 1666 & 1667.
Ardmenish 1¼m(1/8 land) 1630 NR 5774 Blaeu(Jura/Islay) Ardemenys(1496), Ardbaniche(1510), Ardnegenis(1539-40)
Knockrome 1¼m(1/8 land) 1541 NR 5571 Blaeu(Jura)
Ardfernal 1¼m1/8 land 15411506 NR 5671 Blaeu(Jura/Islay) With Knocknafeolaman in 1506 & 1528-9.With Knockrome in 1545, 1558, 1634 & probably 1636.
Leargybreck ⅝m(1/16 land) 1751 NR 5371 Blaeu(Jura/Islay) With Heryne as 1¼m in 1545 & 1558.With Feolin as 1¼m in 1666 & 1667.
HeryneorFeolin (⅝m) ⅝m 1751 NR 5369 Langlands(1801) Nyryn(1541, 1607), Heryne(1545), Hereyne(1558). With Leargybreck as 1¼m in 1545 & 1558. See below.Feorling(1667), Feoline(1751). With Leargybreck as 1¼m in 1666 & 1667.
Cill Earnadail 1¼m(1/8 land) 1666 NR 5268 Blaeu(Jura/Islay) With Auchichtoyus as 1¼m in 1545 & 1558. Killernadill is 1¼m in 1666, 1667 & 1751. Kilaridil(Blaeu). See below.
Auchehois 1¼m(1/8 land) 1541 NR 5268 1¼m(1541 & 1607). With Kilharnadull as 1¼m in 1545 & 1558. Youngson (pp 105, 109-110) places it in NR 5268(SW corner of).
Knocknafeolaman 1¼m1/8 land 15411506 c. NR 5267 Blaeu(Jura/Islay)Langlands(1801) With Ardfernal in 1506 & 1528-9.By itself as 1¼m in 1541, 1545, 1558, 1607, 1666, 1667 & 1751. Knoknevolaine(1541), Knoknafelaman(1558). See below.
Crackaig 1¼m(1/8 land) 1541 NR 5265 Blaeu(Jura/Islay) 1¼m in 1541, 1545, 1558, 1607, 1660, 1667 & 1751.
Sannaig 1¼m(1/8 land) 1541 NR 5164 Blaeu(Jura/Islay) 1¼m in 1541, 1545, 1558, 1607, 1666 & 1667. With Achaleck as 2½m in 1751.
Strone 1¼m(1/8 land) 1541 NR 5064 Blaeu(Jura/Islay) 1¼m in 1541, 1545, 1558, 1607, 1667 & 1751. Sronyne(1541),Na Schroonen(Blaeu)
Strone ⅝m?(1/16 land) 1616 See below.
Achaleck 1¼m(1/8 land) 1541 c. NR 510638 Langlands(1801)OS(1878) Auchleik(1541). Achadh na Lice in OS 6″ Sheet CXCIX at NE corner of NR 5063. (Buildings at NR 510638).
Brosdale 1¼m(1/8 land) 1541 NR 4863 Blaeu(Jura/Islay) Broastell(1541). 1¼m in 1541, 1545, 1558, 1607, 1666, 1667 & 1751.
Ardfin 1¼m(1/8 land) 1541 NR 4763/4863 Langlands(1801)RHP 5268(1848) Ardin(1541), Ardfin(1558). 1¼m in 1541, 1545, 1558, 1607, 1660, 1666, 1667 & 1751.Probably = Nardeind of Blaeu (Jura/Islay).
Cnocbreac ⅝m(1/16 land) 1545 NR 4473 Blaeu(Jura/Islay) Knokbrak is 8s in 1541, 1607, 1667 & 1751. It is 8s 4d in 1545, 1558, 1666 & 1667. The latter is the correct valuation. See below.
Total Jura (m) 22½m
Scarba 4m 1509 ER XIII p 216
Kilmory 2m1d 1493-41493-4 NM 7105 Blaeu(Lorn) On several occasions this is described as 1d extending to 2m.2m(1776).
Maol Buidhe 1¼m1d 16301390 NM 7103 Blaeu(Jura) marks Lek na Buy with a settlement symbol. This may have been an alternative name for Mulbuy since OPS II, I p 278 (quoting Argyle Inventory) has a reference to Leckbowy in 1629.
Total Scarba (d) 2d
Total Scarba (m) 3¼m or 4m
Lunga 1m1d 15091493-4 NM 7008 Blaeu(Lorn)RHP 975/1 1d Lunga(1493-4, 1537-8), 1d Longa(1542, 1636, 1663).See below.
Belnahua NM 7112 Blaeu(Lorn) Bheulnahu(Blaeu)
Total Lunga etc 1 or 1½m1d 1½m Lunga & pendicles in 1659 & 1751.
Garvellachs See below.
Dun Chonnuill NM 6812 Blaeu(Lorn) See below.
Garbh Eileach 8s 4d(1/16 land) 1630 NM 6611/6712 Blaeu(Lorn) Garveleane(Fordun c. 1380), Garvellan(Blaeu).See below.
A’ Chuli NM 6511 Blaeu(Lorn) Culbrenyn(1549), Culurenin(Blaeu), Coulbranan(1667), Culbrendan(1751), Culbrandan(1788). See below.
Eileach an Naoimh NM 6309/6409NM 6410 Helant Leneow(Fordun c. 1380), Ellach nanaobh(1549).See below.
Total Garvellachs 1m 1751
Total Jura group 27¾-29m (22½+3¼+1+1=27¾m) or (22½+4+1½+1=29)



In Highland Papers I p 285 of 1674 Kenwachtrich is linked with Ardveanish (also in Jura) and Molbowie in Scarba as a 3d land. In the Argyll Valuation Roll of 1751 the same three properties are linked but this time as 3½m. See my comments in the text summary about conflating two different valuation systems.


Gleann nam Muc

This is now marked in NR 6899 above Glen Trosdale although Bagh Bleann nam Muc is in NM 6800. In RHP 283/2 Glenamuck is marked in what is now Glen Trosdale ie falling into the bay west of Bagh Gleann nam Muc. However, the cultivation is marked on the eastern side of this glen – and the modern map does show another burn falling down into Bagh Gleann nam Muc from here.


Heryne or Feolin

Youngson (p 109) equates these two and the documentary record certainly shows that the pairing of Largebrak and Heryne in 1545 & 1558 was replaced by a pairing of Largurbreck and Feolin in 1666 & 1667. The 1¼m valuation of Nyryn in 1541 and 1607 probably included Leargybreck.

Although Feolin is spelt Feorling in 1667 and Feorine by Langlands(1801) I do not think it was a farthing-land. (Neither is the Feolin of Feolin Ferry at NR 4469). It is possible that Blaeu’s ‘Naynten’ is Heryne.


Cill Earnadail

It seems likely that Cill Earnadail and Auchehois were two halves of the same farm. In 1541 & 1607 Auchehois is by itself for 1¼m. In 1545 & 1558 it is with Cill Earnadail as 1¼m. In 1666, 1667 & 1751 Killernadill is by itself for 1¼m.



Youngson (pp 105 & 108) locates it c. NR 5267. OS 6″ 1st Series Sheet CXCIX (1878) marks Cnoc nam Fodh(l?)uman at c. NR 523671.



There seem to have been two properties called Strone in Jura which have distinct land-assessment valuations. This latter Strone belonged to Oronsay Priory and is recorded as an 8s land in 1616, 1623, 1624, 1629, 1630 and 1667. (8s is almost certainly supposed to be 8s 4d or a 1/16 land). I am not certain if this was part of Strone in the SE corner of Jura or whether it was another Strone elsewhere. (Strone is not uncommon as a place-name and there was a Sron Bheithe in Glenbatrick). In favour of the former is Blaeu’s place-name (which may represent a Gaelic plural) and the fact that in 1622 it appears as ‘Strones’ (OPS II, I p 276 quoting Argyle Inventory). In this case the two Strones would total 25s or 3/16ths.



In 1541 (ER XVII pp 620-1 & p 641) the rents of some 14⅜m in South Jura are recorded. After giving the total the document states ‘And of this sowme to the officiar the 8s land’. Since the only 8s land listed was Knokbrak we can conclude that this land was the fee given to the local agent or ground officer whose responsibilities would have included collecting the rent. Cnoc Breac is some distance from most of the farms of Jura, which were on the eastern coastal strip, but not too far from Sannaig which was reputed to be the local Macdonald residence. (See Youngson p 107).



ER XIII p 216 of 1509 refers to ‘Insula de Lunga, Galdnaquho cum insula ejusdem, 13s 4d, in manibus John McGillane’. I imagine this merkland meant Lunga, Belnahua and all the small islands between them – which still appear on the map as part of Jura. However it will not have included the Garvellachs, which were part of the same parish but valued separately, nor Luing which belonged to a separate parish altogether. However, in AS I (399) of 1659 we find that ½m = one-third of Lunga & ‘the small isles thereto belonging’. Similarly in 1751 Luinga & pendicles are worth 1½m.



The evidence is confusing and apparently contradictory so I shall deal with the islands in turn – working from NE to SW.

Dun Chonnuill – referred to in 1354 (Munro p 6) and 1390 (Munro p 15). In the latter case (RMS II (2264)) the islands which went with Dun Chonnuill are called Garbealeach (Garbh Eileach) and the two islands of ‘Garbealean’ and ‘Scealda’. ‘Garbealean’ is probably what is now Eileach an Naoimh because Blaeu calls it ‘Garuellan beg or na Monach’ (ie Little Garvellan or Garvellan of the monks). Youngson (p 87) offers A’ Chuli for ‘Scealda’. Dun Chonnuill and its islands are further referred to in RMS II (2329) of 1496, RMS III (2065) of 1539-40 and RMS VII (1628) of 1617.

Garbh Eileach – AS II (359) of 1630 refers to the 8s 4d land of Garvellane which should be the main island of Garbh Eileach.

A’ Chuli – It is clear from the number of references that this was formerly known as Culbrendan.

Eileach an Naoimh – ‘Garuellan beg or na Monach’ in Blaeu(Lorn).

We do not know the individual valuations of the islands and their worth as a group is problematic. Garbh Eileach and Dun Chonnuill seem to have been linked with Camus in Jura from about 1613. (Historical Manuscripts Commission Report IV p 480 No 119 of 1613 and No 120 of 1614). In RMS VII (1008) of 1614 and AS II (49) of 1619 (original dated 1618) we learn of the 16s 8d Cammis in Jura (just S of Tarbert) and the 4s 8d lands and islands called Garvallach and Dounchonile. In AS II (1328) of 1667 (original dated 1666) we learn of the ‘4s 8d land and island called Garvelach and Downechonnell and the lands and islands of Ylachinnive and Coulbranan’. (Which could be interpreted as meaning the 4s 8d of Garbh Eileach and Dun Chonnuill plus the two islands of Eileach an Naoimh and Culbrendan whose value is not stated). These documents are in seeming contradiction to AS II (359) of 1630 which refers to the 8s 4d land of Garvellane – which should be the main island of Garbh Eileach – but also gives Camus as worth 16s 8d.


I think what may have happened in 1614, 1618 & 1667 was that the values in shillings and pence became transposed – i.e. 8s 4d became 4s 8d. 4s 8d makes no sense in a land-assessment context. To be correct the value should be 4s 2d (half of 8s 4d). Accepting this transposition would allow us to view Garbh Eileach and Dun Chonnuill as 8s 4d or a 1/16 land. It would also mean that these two Garvellachs and Camus together came to 25s or 3/16 from 1614 to 1751. (Camus is given as 16s 8d from 1614 until 1667 but is only 8s 4d in the Argyll Valuation Roll of 1751. I think the other ‘half’ of Camus in 1751 is the 8s 4d of Corrynaherry & Achnatarbert which means the overall total remains at 25s).


Since the same valuation roll gives ‘Garvelich, Elachanvie, Dunchonnel & Culbrendan’ a combined value of 1m it looks as if the value of Eileach an Naoimh + A’Chuli should be 13s 4d less 8s 4d which would make 5s or ⅜m. Nowhere have I seen this figure stated but it seems a not unreasonable conclusion. We also have Langlands’ “Schem’d rent” from 1788 (Mercer, Hebridean Islands p 128) which shows that Garbh Eileach and Dun Chonnuill were responsible for about 60% of the rental of the whole group. (8s 4d = ⅝m or 62.5% of 1m). In Historical Manuscripts Commission Report IV p 479 No 108 of 1630 the ‘Isle of Ilachimie & Kilbrandan with the tiends, fishings etc pertaining to the priory of Oransay’ go to the rector of Craignish ‘in feu for yearly payment of twelve shillings Scots as the old feu duty’. In the same vein AS II (592-3) of 1637 (on an original dated 1635) gave sasine to the rector of Craignish of the lands and islands of Yllachninive and Cowlbrannane with teinds etc which once formed part of the lands of Oronsay Priory. The quality of the evidence is such that our conclusions cannot be very robust but I think the data given in 1630 is correct – that Garbh Eileach and Dun Chonnuill were worth 8s 4d and that Eileach an Naoimh and A’Chuli were worth 5s.


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