


Name Value Date Grid Ref Map Sources Other forms, comments etc






NR 7993 Blaeu(Lorn & Knapdale)Langlands(1801)


Crinan is 2m from 1610, 3m in 1751.Crinanmore is consistently 1d from 1422 to 1724.

Crinanbeg is consistently ½d from 1422 to 1724.

See below.

‘Cuilchroick’ 5m 1670 c. NR 8097/8197 Pont(15)Langlands(1801) Cul + Cnoc (=at the back of the hill).On record from 1422 but seldom with a value. See below.
Ardachastell 2m5d 16711422 NR 7995 Pont(15)Blaeu(Knapdale) 2m(1683). 3m with Tilliger in 1751. I am not sure that the 2m Ardachastell should be regarded as a separate entity.
Tilligar 3m 1661 Pont(15) 3m with house called Taycladdich (AS I (484) 1673). See below.
Kilchoan 2m1d 15591422 NR 807964 2m Kylchoane for 2m pa (GD 437 No 37 of 1559). See below.3m(1751)
Clavag 1½m 1622 c. NR 8197(Pont) Pont(15) Claifaig(Pont)
Old ArdifuirArdifuir 5d8m 1422 NR 7997NR 7896 Pont(15) See below.
Ballygowan 3m 1756 NR 8197 Only valuations are in Genealogist 34 p 211 No 58 and AVR of 1751 when Baligown, Brenfoil & Feorline make 3m. In 1833 there is a reference to Pennygown (H McFarlane: Arichonan p 114).
Auchachrome 8m5d 16691422 NR 8198 Pont(15) 8m(1670) but 9m(Duntroon Inventory No 2 1610 and ILP p 427 No 390). 4m(1751).
Raslie 2m 1589 NR 8298 Pont(15) Kaskaillie(Pont). See below.
‘Glenane’ 4m 1564 c. NR 8198 Langlands(1801) 4m(1632, 1833). See below.
Brenphort   NR 7999 = Brenfoil of AVR 1751? (With Baligown & Feorline there).
Feorline (¼d) With Baligown & Brenfoil as 3m in 1751. See A Begg (Kist 45 p 17 & Deserted Settlements of Kilmartin Parish p 55). Misc(SHS) IV p 268 No 29 of 1608 refers to a witness in Feorling which may be this.
Bennan 1½m1d 16211422 NM 805002 Pont(15)OS(1865) Bennand(1621)
Poltalloch 1½m5d 16591422 NM 8000 (Old)NM 8196 (today) Pont(15) With Bargirgaig as 1½m in 1751.With Strones & Barrayirigaig as 1½m in 1833.
Bargirgaig 1½m 1651 c. NM 8000 Pont(15) Barghirgaig/Barzergage(1651). See below.
Bargaltreffa 1d 1466 Balgal… (1422). See below.
Strone 2m 1610 NM 818027 Langlands(1801)OS(1871-2) Strones(1610). Genealogist 35 p 181 No 58 refers to 2m ‘Stron and Barboa’ (1680?). H Campbell claims it was near Carnassery.
Island Macaskin   NR 7899 See below and under Raslie.
Eilean RighPeulcair 1½m1d 1582-31422 NM 8001/8002 Pollarie ‘alias Ilanrie’ in Genealogist 34 p 69 No 25 1670. Peulcair(1422), Pallare(1466), Pealarie(1558), Ellanereize(1582-3), Ellanrie(1651)
Nether Largie 3½m 1559 NR 8298 (Pont(15))RHP 31808 ‘Lairges’ in Pont(15). Called ‘Largie Makeisag’ (1559)
Glencharn (3m) c. NR 8198/8199 Pont(15)RHP 5489

RHP 31808

A Begg in Kist 45 & Deserted Settlements of Kilmartin Parish p 56. See also below.
(Maol) Achadh-bheinn 3m 1562 NR 8398 Pont(15)RHP 31808 Achayn(1562), Auchafyne(1580-1), Achaind(Pont).2m Achavean(1751). See below.
Laggan 1½m 1622 c. NR 8499 Pont(15)RHP 31808 1m(1751)
Kilmartin 6m 1622 NR 8398 Pont(15)RHP 31808 2m(1751). See below.
‘Glenkermane’ 3m 1546 c. NR 8398 Part of Kilmartin.
‘Farnoch’ 3m 1546 c. NR 8398 Part of Kilmartin.
Ballibraid 1m 1751 NR 8499 RHP 31808 Part of Kilmartin. See A Begg in Kist 45.
Upper Largie 3½m 1627 NR 8399 (Pont(15))RHP 31808 ‘Lairges’ in Pont(15).Largie House in RHP 31808.
Carnassarie 8m 1558 NM 8301 Pont(15)RHP 31808 Two parts – Beg (2m from 1618) and Mor (6m from 1633)
Tibertich 6m 1612 NM 8402 Pont(15)
Ormaig 4m 1529 NM 8203 Pont(15)RHP 31881 In RHP 31881 (W Bald in 1808) Ormaig is marked c. NM 826045.
Salachary 3m 1632 NM 8404
Eurach 1½m 1562 NM 8400/8401 Pont(15)Langlands(1801)
Glennan 4m 1618 NM 857011 Pont(15)Langlands(1801)


Pont(15) reads either Glenan or Gledan.4m(1751)

See below under Glenane/Glennan.







NM 8401

NM 8501

Pont(15) ‘O'(?) & ‘N’ in Pont. Also references to ‘Nether’, ‘Easter’, ‘Leich’, ‘More’ & ‘Beg’. Consistently divided into two, each half worth 3m.AS I (289) of 1648 says ‘Easter’ = ‘Beg’. RMS VII (2015) of 1612 gives 3m Craigintirrive-Eister and 3m Craigintirriff-Leitche which implies that ‘More’ = ‘Leitche’ (or doctor’s). (Likewise AS I (287) of 1648). 3m Craiginterve Nether in GD1/426/1/25/1 of 1508.
Auchinellan 6m 1558 NM 8602 Pont(15) 6m(1558, 1617). 7m(1632, 1648) but this probably included 1m Correcraig. 5m(1751).
Correcraig 1m 1558 NM 8502/8503 ?
Ellannacree   1608 NM 867025 ? See below.
Torran ½m 1548 NM 8704 Part of Torranmore(?) called ‘the fishing land’ – which was separated from at least 1548.
Torranmore 4m 1529 NM 8704 Langlands(1790) Usually 4m from 1529-1755. The only exception is £3 (4½m) Torren Mor in AS I (135) of 1621 which might have included the fishing land. There is a Dun Toiseach at NM 881047.
Torranbeg 3m 1561 NM 8604/8704  Langlands(1790)RHP 31815/1 RH6/1864 gives 3m Corranebeg which is likely to be Torranebeg. 3m with Glenliver in 1751.Beg is west of More in Langlands(1790).
Glen Liever (2m) 1657 NM 9008 Langlands(1790) 1m was half of Glenlevir in AS II (939) of 1657.
Leac a’ Bhainne 1496 NM 8908/8909 H McFarlane (Arichonan p 116) quotes an 1833 deed which refers to ‘Arinachtan, Arimachtraich and Leckanvantie now called Glenliver’. = Lekkawanne (1496). See below.
Inverliever 6m 1751 NM 8905 Langlands(1790) 2m Beg(1657, 1751) & 4m More (1751). Also 4m Beg in 1511.More is west of Beg in Langlands(1790).
Arichamish 4m 1511 NM 9005/9006 Langlands(1790) 3m(1642, 1643, 1751)
Arinechtan 4m 1511 NM 9206/9207 Langlands(1790) 3m(1751)
Duchara 1½m1d 15281572 NM 8710 ?NM 8711/8811 Langlands(1801)  20s(1553, 1627, 1629, 1656, 1657, 1751)
‘Clachaig’ 1½m1d 16941572 NM 8610 ? Langlands(1801)RHP 31880
‘Arichuan’ 2m1d 16941572 NM 857089 ? Langlands(1801)RHP 31880 2m(1751)
Laggandarroch 1¼m1d 16971572 NM 847082 Roy (PC 18)Langlands(1801)

RHP 31880


With shieling of Corriecraig in 1697 (cf Auchinellan).1¼m(1751).
Sluggan 1¾m1d 16641572 NM 841074 Langlands(1801)RHP 31880


1¾m(1664, 1751).Slewgane(1572)
Barnlaunich 3m1d 16211572 NM 8307 Roy (PC 18)RHP 31880 I wonder if 3m Barinlewnicht(1621) included 1d Barnlaunich and also 1d Auchindryne.
‘Auchindryne’ 1d 1572 NM 8306 On the basis of its position in three lists (OPS II, I pp 98-9 of 1572; AS I (314) of 1650 and GD1/426/1/8/1 of 1678) I would expect Auchindryne to lie between Barnlaunich and Corlach.
Blarantobair 1½m 1633 NM 8610 Langlands(1801) Listed with Claichaig as part of Kilmartin parish in 1751. Since it lies on West side of river I have treated it under Craignish parish.
Kintraw 6½m 1599 NM 8205 Blaeu(Lorn)RHP 31880

RHP 31881

3¼m Nether Kintra 1633.3m Over Kentra, 3m Nether Kentra with mill(1659, 1698).
Correlich Beg 1d 1652 NM 8305 =Corlach? Although separate to Corrillich in 1572.
Downaman 1d 1572 NM 8304 =Dun na Ban-oige?
Barworne 1d 1572 Barvorne(1652)
Ballimenich 1d 1572 Ballemenach(1652)
Corrillich 1d 1572 NM 8305 =Corlach? Correlich(commonly called the 20s land of Leacha) in AS I (359) of 1652
Leacha 1½m 1599 NM 8305 Roy (PC 18)  See Corrillich. 20s(1½m) in 1599, 1652, 1664, 1751. Leachie(1664).
Strathmore   NR 8294 RHP 31808 At south end of Kilmartin estate in RHP 31808 of 1825.
Total 149m37½d


Crinan, Tillegar, Culcruick

These three farms are difficult to disentangle.

Crinan was originally on the north side of the canal and included a large area of moss. H Campbell claims Crinan mor was also known as Tillegar (AS I p 155 & Genealogist 34 p 69 No 25). However Pont (15) marks ‘Tillegre’ north of Duntroon and ‘Culknuk’ further north still.

Clan Campbell III p 102 implies that Coulchruick marched with Dunadd whilst Genealogist 34 No 45 p 210 states that the 2 Gortens called Corrannavar & Corranvonanich formed part of Coulckruick.

Argyll VII p 465 refers to Meall in Culcruick at NR 818956.

Tillegir is linked with the house called Taycladdich in AS I (484) 1673 and Genealogist 34 p 69 No 27 1673. In Genealogist 34 p 72 No 46 1710 is a tack of 2m Crinan and 1m of the 3m of Tilliger “being the Griananmoni” with all the land of Tilliger south of the burn of Innermore and the two isles known as Glaish-isle and Scairghirr. Genealogist 34 p 132 No 38 of 1724 refers to 1d Crinanmor, ½d Crinanbeg, 1m Tilligar called Grianannamoni and the two isles called the Glash Isle and Scairgheir. These two islets are Eilean Glas and Sgeireag Gaibhre at NR 7994 just north of where the River Add enters Loch Crinan.

I am not sure of all the details but the following seems likely:

That the farms of Crinan, Tillegar and Culcruick lay roughly in that order (south to north).

That Tillegar lay NE of Duntroon but extended south to include a merkland of Crinan Moss – probably on the shore NE of Eilean Glas. I am not sure which is the burn called Invermore but suspect it is one of the small streams east of Duntroon rather than what is now called Kilmartin Burn running past Strathmore and Dalvore. (Local drainage may have changed considerably in the last 300 years).

That whilst the heart of Culcruick may also have been to the north it too extended south towards Crinan Moss.



Kilchoan is referred to as 1d in 1422 (Genealogist 31 p 239) when it is deliberately excluded from the 5d Ardachastell. Since Kilchoan appears subsequently as part of the Maclachlan property of Glassary I assume it was anciently theirs and was somehow retained against the Campbells. After 1559 the valuation of Kilchoan is barely mentioned – only an annualrent of 2m. In Genealogist 38 p 76 No 1 1609 H Campbell draws attention to Lucas McGillemichaell deor alias McKinchow in Kilchoan whose family may have been keepers of a relic there. In GD 437 No 37 of 1559 there is reference to ‘dewet’ (deor?) in connection with Kilchoan. In 1585 there is reference to Mychaele Doar of Kilchoan (Genealogist 36 pp 78-9 No 4).

Kilchoan was closely linked with Clavag which went to John M’Indoir of Kilchoan in 1622 (AS I (204) – see also AS I (422 & 423) of 1659 and Genealogist 38 p 77 No 3 1659.



Pont gives two Ardifuirs ‘O’ & ‘V’ although his entry for Craiginterve suggests these may be ‘O’ & ‘N’ (Over and Nether?). They are given as Ardafuirchastell (of the castle) and Ardafuirchladich (of the shore) in AS I (420) of 1659. However they also appear as Wester (AS II (1033) 1662) and Easter (Genealogist 35 p 36 No 2 1573) – each worth 4m. RMS I App 2 No 352 Index A refers to Ardsoir/Ordefore Neog and the only name I can think of which might fit is Ardifuir.



H Campbell (Genealogist 32 p 92 says Campbell of Duntroon bought Raschoille from Alester Makesag in 1590. See also Clan Campbell VI p 54 of 1589. H McFarlane (Arichonan p 114) refers to “2m Rashallie or Raschollie, comp(rehending) Island Mackaskin(see below), the Two Scairs and Island Nangore” in 1833. The ‘Two Scairs’ are Liath-sgeir bheag (NR 7798) and Liath-sgeir mhor (NR 7797) whilst ‘Island Nangore’ is Eilean nan Gabhar at NM 7900.



I think there are two separate properties involved here although the documentary and cartographic evidence is scanty. There is Glennan by Eurach which is marked by Pont, Langlands and the OS 6″ 1st series map. This is likely to be the 4m referred to in AS I (140) of 1618 where the baillie is from Carnaym and a witness from Achigerran, both of which places are over the hill to the south. In the 1751 Argyll Valuation Roll it is listed among the properties of Colin M’Lachlan of Craigenterve.

There is also 4m of Glendan which was resigned by Gilbert M’Kellor of Ardorie (Ardarie) to the Earl of Argyll in 1564 (OPS II, I p 311). This is probably the same as the 4m Glendane referred to in AS II (421) of 1632 where witnesses were from Nether Rudill and Raschoille – and also the 4m Glenan listed as a Malcolm of Poltalloch property by H McFarlane in Arichonan p 115. I assume this is the Glenane marked by Langlands(1801) just west of Raslie.



H Campbell claimed Barghirgaig was the same as Bargaltraiff and lay on the coast opposite Ellanrie. H McFarlane (Arichonan p 114) quotes an 1833 Deed of Entail which seems to imply that Barrayirigaig and Bargaltroof were different but this may just reflect repetition based on loss of knowledge.


Island Macaskin

Ellanmackasken is given as a pendicle of Achachrom in AS I (418) of 1659 so I do not know how or when it was transferred to Raslie. I have not found a single valuation for the island and since it is a reasonable size I wonder if its original valuation was lost by the time it was included with Raslie as 2m.



Pont(15) marks ‘Glenk(ar)nes’ WSW of ‘Lairges’ (Largie). He also marks a loch here which may be that at NR 833995 although there is no trace of this in the OS 6″ map of 1865. In RMS IV (1592) there is reference to 1m ‘Glencarnebeig’ and ½m ‘Corrod de Glencarne’ in 1562. In Genealogist 38 p 191 No 1 of 1624 the Bishop of Argyll grants 1½m Glencharranbeg and Corran. In Genealogist 38 p 191 No 2 of 1628 we learn of 1½m Glencharranmore and 1m Glencharranbeg. H Campbell (p 191 fn 98) concludes that the whole of Glencharran extended to 4m of which the Duntroon Campbells held 2½m. I am only confident of 3m (1½m Glencharranmore, 1m Glencharranbeg, ½m Corran). In 1751 Glencharn is given as 2m. In RHP 31808 of 1825, which is a map of Kilmartin Estate, Glencharn is marked c. NR 8199. I think this may have been Glencharn Beg in which case Glencharn proper may have been beside the Raslie Burn. RHP 5489 is a small-scale map but marks Glenacharan on the same side of the burn as Rosally (Raslie) but nearer Kilmartin.


(Maol) Achadh-bheinn

According to RMS V (131) of 1580-1 Auchafyne had formerly belonged to the altar or chapel of the Virgin Mary in the parish church  of Kilmartin. The second element of the name has only recently changed from ‘bhain’ to ”bheinn’.



We have a number of references to the £5 (7½m) of Kilmartin. This consisted of 3m Glenkermane (or Glencaernane or Glencavernan), 3m Farnoch (or Fernoch) and 1½m Laggan. According to a document of 1833 quoted by H McFarlane (Arichonan p 117) it probably also included Ballibraid.



There are references to an island called Ellannacree in Ardskeodnish which went with Ederline in Glassary (Genealogist 38 p 143 No 4 of 1608). Different spellings are found in AS I (198) of 1622 (Ilmacres), AS I (201) of 1622 (Illanacres) and AS I (231) of 1643 (Illanacrewig). I suspect that Ellannacree is probably the crannog in Loch Ederline which is described in Argyll VI No 353(1). The OS 6″ map of 1871-2 suggests that it was just inside the parish boundary of Ardskeodnish – which in turn implies that the parish division was recognised across water before 1608. From ‘eilean’ (island) + ‘craobh’ (tree)?


Leac a’ Bhainne

We have references to some small sites in the Glen Liever area which are now difficult to place. Genealogist 38 p 183 No 1 of 1496 refers to Are McInrey and Coreindulochane – as well as Lekkawanne. Genealogist 38 p 183 No 2 of 1496 refers to the same lands and also a place called Indufmerk which may have been between Are McInrey and Coreindulochan. Argyll Retours (24) of 1621 refers to Arevekanereich and Corredowlachane. AS I (240) of 1643 refers to Aremakereiche and Corredowlochane. AS I (407) of 1659 refers to Aremakcreich and Corredowlochan. As stated above H McFarlane (Arichonan p 116) quotes an 1833 deed which refers to ‘Arimachtraich and Leckanvantie now called Glenliver’.



1d Correlich Beg, 1d Downaman, (both commonly called the 3m of Over Kintra); 1d Barvorne, 1d Ballemenach, (both commonly called the 3m of Nether Kintra) in AS I (359) of 1652.

3m Over Kentra (alias the 1d of Correlich beg), the 1d Downemannan, the 3m Nether Kentra (alias the 1d of Barworne), with mill thereof, and the 1d Ballemenyche in AS I (390) 1659.

I think these two sasines carry the same meaning although H Campbell uses brackets rather differently in the second.


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